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17.02.2010, 14:48

Famitsu-Interview: Änderungen in der westlichen BbS-Version und weitere KH-Sidestory

In der neusten Ausgabe der Famitsu, einem japanischen Spielemagazin, gibt es ein paar ganz besonders interessante Informationen. Nomura berichtet, dass für die westliche Version von 'Birth by Sleep' einige Änderungen vorgenommen werden, um das Spiel noch weiter zu verbessern. Das hebt natürlich gleichzeitig die Chancen für einen japanischen Final Mix des Spiels. Außerdem deutet Nomura an, dass es noch eine weitere Sidestory zu KH geben wird.. Aber lest selbst:


-- Nun fragen wir uns natürlich, wie das nächste Spiel der Serie aussehen wird.

Nomura: Erstmal müssen wir 'Birth by Sleep' in den westlichen Ländern veröffentlichen. (lacht) Diesbezüglich ist schon fast alles entschieden. Wir haben darüber nachgedacht, noch einen 'Kritischen Schwierigkeitsgrad' hinzuzufügen und einige Bosse, die wir für zu schwach hielten, stärker zu machen. Und weil uns Megaflare zu stark erschien, haben wir auch das angeglichen. Auch werden einige Zwischensequenzen wieder so, wie sie ursprünglich waren, und andere Szenen werden ein wenig verändert, sodass die Geschichte leichter verständlich ist.

-- Können wir aufgrund dieser vielen Änderungen einen 'Final Mix' für Japan erwarten?

Nomura: Nun, zuerst müssen wir schauen, wie viel sich überhaupt die Originalversion ändert. Aber wir möchten gerne jedes Jahr ein 'Kingdom Hearts'-Spiel veröffentlichen. Es soll nicht Jahr für Jahr vergehen, ohne dass es etwas Neues gibt.

-- In zwei Jahren feiert die Serie ihren 10. Geburtstag. Können wir dann ein 'Kingdom Hearts III' erwarten?

Nomura: Nein nein, wir werden dieses Geheimnis wahren. (lacht) Wie ich bereits gesagt habe, die nächste Veröffentlichung birgt das Mysterium der Serie.

-- Können sie im Moment schon sagen, ob die Serie mit dem dritten Teil enden wird? Oder irgendwas anderes in diese Richtung?

Nomura: 'Kingdom Hearts' ist die Geschichte von Sora. Aber dieses neue Spiel, was wir gerade entwickeln, behandelt eine andere Person. Man kann also sagen, dass jene Person im Mittelpunkt des Spiels steht.

-- Das Spiel, was sie gerade entwickeln?!

Nomura: Ich kann ihnen leider nicht mehr sagen, als das. (lacht)

-- Sind noch irgendwelche anderen Titel in Arbeit?

Nomura: Nun, ich kann ihnen sagen, dass wir gerade vorbereiten, einen Titel der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Das Werbeabteil spricht bereits mit mir darüber. Ihr könnt euch also schon mal auf mehr gefasst machen.

Fassen wir zusammen:
  • Es wird einige Änderungen in der westlichen 'Birth by Sleep'-Version geben.
  • Ein BbS-'Final Mix' ist wahrscheinlich.
  • Bis 'Kingdom Hearts III' erscheint, dauert es wohl noch seine Zeit. Das Spiel ist ein großes Geheimnis.
  • Die Entwickler arbeiten schon an einem weiteren Ableger, der wohl die letzte "unerzählte Geschichte" behandelt. Sora ist also nicht der Hauptcharakter.

Ich tippe immer noch auf ein 'Kingdom Hearts' für unsere Micky Maus. xp Zeitlich einzuordnen zwischen 'Birth by Sleep' und 'Kingdom Hearts I'.

Quelle: KHInsider.com
Some things just aren't meant to change.


I ☆Aliichuuu~ ☆I

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17.02.2010, 14:53

Ich wollte die News vor 3 stunden posten , wusste aber nicht wo ^.^

Ich finds toll das wir ein besseres BbS kriegen werden <333

Und ich glaube , dass dieses Unbekannte Spiel entweder Aquas , Mickey oder die Geschichte eines vollkommen anderens ist . Hoffentlich wird das ein Spiel von einem neuen Charakter .

Wir können aber nur spekulieren ...



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18.02.2010, 18:13

Übrigens hat KHInsider bereits das komplette Interview auf Englisch übersetzt:

Famitsu Interview - Birth by Sleep

-- I’ve heard that what started the project was a proposal sent in by the SE Osaka team.

Nomura: Well, there was a time when we were unsure of where we would have Birth by Sleep developed. But then the Osaka team that had helped out with Musashiden II [I believe this is Brave Fencer Musashi in other territories?] said “We would like to work on it!” So we asked them to show us their work on the PSP, and they created a prototype. The prototype was quite good, so we decided to have them work on the game. During the first period of development on Birth by Sleep we had the Crisis Core team work on parts of it. But the Kingdom Hearts series is a Disney series, so they we have that hurdle we have to get passed, and we needed to have constant communication between the Tokyo and Osaka teams. There were a lot of things we needed them to become familiar with. So instead we had them start with working on Re: Chain of Memories.

-- Were there any problems that occurred during development?

Nomura: Not really. There were problems with development during the last leg of development, but that wasn’t only a problem with Birth by Sleep. But it was pretty terrible having to think of names for the Commands. I always think of names in Kingdom Hearts games myself, but since things can change during development I always choose names at the end. But since how many symbols can be used in names changes with each game, sometimes even Commands used in past games have to have their names changed.

-- There were quite a few Commands this time.

Nomura: It was hell (laugh.)

-- Which part of the battles was the part you were most interested in doing?

Nomura: The Deck Commands. Battles change depending on what Commands you are using, so there is an element of trial and error. It also takes into account the players own play-style and interests, so it’s interesting to see in the end how everyone’s Deck is different. Chain of Memories and The World Ends With You had a similar system where you could change around your Commands, and this is like a compilation of that. Because we have this Deck Command system we were also able to use a board game for strengthening your Commands.

-- What kind of Commands did you use?

Nomura: I used the stronger Attack Commands, as well as Detonate type Commands, with one Cure spell. When I played around in Mirage Arena I used Megaflare and Magna type Commands.

-- There are a lot of different gameplay systems at work in the game, but the PSP is able to control them all quite well.

Nomura: The controls in 358/2 Days were a little too complex, so shaved off a little bit here and there. For example, in 358/2 Days you could look up and down while moving, but you can’t in Birth by Sleep. We tried to simplify it.

-- At first Shoot Locks confused me, but I got used to them quickly.

Nomura: Shoot-locks were added pretty much just like they were originally planned, but the way you release the attack took some trial and error. At first we had made it so that the attack released after locking on and releasing the button, but in the end it ended up as it is now. There was quite a lot of things packed into this game, but the Osaka team really did their best for us.

-- It seems that some people requested more complex area maps.

Nomura: Personally, I think that the battles are the funniest part of the Kingdom Hearts series, and that’s what we were thinking about in KHII even more so than in the original game. But some people wanted more areas to explore, so we put more of that kind of thing in, but made sure it wouldn’t interfere with battles.

-- There were quite a few new songs, and it made the battles and events even more exciting.

Nomura: We asked for quite a few songs this time. Not only did we have Shimomura (Yoko) working on the soundtrack, but Ishimoto (Takeharu) and Kawamori (Keiji) helped as well, each giving about five songs. Ishimoto took care of the songs having to do with Vanitas.

-- In Last Episode you use Aqua, but since I had been paying so much attention to Terra and Ven I hadn’t thought she would end up being such an important character.

Nomura: Then it’s all according to plan (laugh.) You could even say she is the true main character.

-- There were things in the story that answered questions, but there were also things that made it even more confusing...

Nomura: Yes (laugh.)

-- First off, the young man with silver hair that stands on the beach saying “This world is too small.” is a young Master Xehanort, correct?

Nomura: That’s true.

-- Then, when Ven’s heart was fractured, someone completed his heart with their own. Was this Sora’s heart?

Nomura: Yes. That was when Sora was born into the world.

-- There was a new type of keyblade that appeared this time, changing the “key” in keyblade to “X” (The X of the Greek alphabet, pronounced “key”. It also has the meaning of “ultimate” or “death”.) It’s quite an excellent name.

Nomura: The name “X-Blade” was Watanabe (Daisuke), the scenario writer’s, idea. How the symbol X ‘crosses’ is symbolic of the crossing of dark and light. The members of Organization XIII get their names by adding an X to the name they had as humans comes from this. Also, the Nobody’s mark looks a lot like Eraqus’ symbol, but you can probably figure out that the reason this is has something to do with Xemnas.

-- Please tell us more about the Unversed mark and their design concept.

Nomura: That mark was an idea thought up by the development staff. It looks like an evil heart doesn’t it (laugh.) The concept was “feelings”. We wanted it to represent “anger” and “joy” among other things.

-- How the Unversed appeared is talked about in the story, but Master Xehanort was controlling Heartless. Were there already Heartless at this time?

Nomura: Heartless will always exist as long as their are hearts in the world. They have exist since long ago. Those who have fallen into darkness can control them.

-- Aqua lays a spell on Kairi’s pendant. Is it to protect her from the forces of darkness?

Nomura: Because of that pendant Kairi was sent to Destiny Island.

-- So Kairi going to Destiny Island wasn’t just an accident.

Nomura: What we wanted to show in the story this time was that “fate is inevitable”. Someday Kairi would go to a place where she would be protected by a hero of light.


The mysteries of the Secret Event

-- The way Castle Oblivion came to be, and the whole story about the Room of Awakening have been made clear. So when Sora and his friends visited during 'Chain of Memories', Ven was already sleeping in the Room of Awakening, right?

Nomura: That's right.

-- And some members of Organisation XIII were searching for it.

Nomura: Yeah. But only Aqua can solve the mysteries of that castle.

-- So without Aqua...

Nomura: Nobody will be able to reach Ven.

-- So then, why is Xemnas of Organisation XIII searching for Ven?

Nomura: Well, there's still some time between the ending of 'Birth by Sleep' and 'KHI', so...

-- So you're saying you can't tell us yet (laughs). Braig had a big role in the game, and he was a little ominous...?

Nomura: In the final scene where Braig appears, his eyes have changed to gold.

-- Did something happen between him and Master Xehanort?

Nomura: I think there was a line where Master Xehanort says that he has "scattered some seeds", and that's also referring to Braig.

-- "Also" referring to Braig!? You're holding something back there... And then there was the scene where Master Xehanort says to Terra, "It seems there is another heart already residing in your own. Well well, Eraqus."

Nomura: We've put in all kinds of foreshadowing (laughs).

-- You can't tell us you're not going to make the story between 'Birth by Sleep' and 'KHI' in some form!

Nomura: I think you can more or less predict what happens in between 'Birth by Sleep' and 'KHI' now. However, this time you could probably imagine what would happen to Terra in the end, but I think when you personally experience it in the game, it can still make you feel something. Even when you know about something, I think there's significance in depicting it, so that may also be made clear at some point.

Ansem the Wise and Aqua

-- At one point in 'KHII', Ansem the Wise escapes from the world of darkness. This time he has once again descended into the world of darkness. At what point in time does this happen?

Nomura: After 'KHII'. When he stopped the Organisation's plans in 'KHII', he was caught up in an explosion and blown into the world of darkness. The line where he says, "I first met him one year ago," is referring to before 'he' went to sleep - that is, it's referring to the time of 'Chain of Memories'. It doesn't mean this is one year after 'KHII'.

-- At that point, it seems like Aqua has been lost for a long time.

Nomura: Yes. From when she comes to the world of darkness to when she meets Ansem the Wise, over 10 years have passed in the outside world. The flow of time is different in the world of darkness and the outside world, so it doesn't feel like 10 years have passed. But there's no mistaking that she's been in the world of darkness for quite a long time.

-- During Aqua's conversation with Ansem the Wise, it's said that some data has been hidden in Sora?

Nomura: The truth is, that expression was an intentional link to 'coded'. I think people who have played the last chapter of 'coded' will know this, but that isn't foreshadowing for 'coded', it's foreshadowing for what will happen afterwards.

-- I see. In "Blank Points", you've used the theme music that played in the opening, 'Hikari', again.

Nomura: In 'Birth by Sleep', Blank Points is where 'Hikari' is used for the second time; this is the game's true ending. The timing of the credits was something I personally fussed over, and with Aqua's line right beforehand, I had Toyoguchi (Megumi) do about 50 takes. I wanted her to say it with a strong feeling of hope.

What's after coded?

-- The last chapter of 'coded' is also deeply interesting. I couldn't believe that character appeared...

Nomura: We went back and forth over that a lot. Originally a different character appeared, but in the end we went with the current form. We also put in the battle with that character at the last minute, so development was very hectic.

-- By the way, is there something like a secret report in 'coded'?

Nomura: There isn't. But when Riku appears in the Destiny Islands room, there's a hidden movie you can watch. You need to destroy the blocks to make Riku appear, so please search for him.

-- The end of 'coded' is linked to the end of 'Birth by Sleep', and makes us think we want to see what Sora's up to soon.

Nomura: If that's how you feel, then I'm grateful. The ending of 'coded' was based on the contents of the the King's letter, as well as that ending, so we made it with that in mind.

-- And so now we're interested in the next game in the series.

Nomura: First we have to do the foreign version of 'Birth by Sleep' (laughs). We've more or less decided on the details. We're thinking of putting in a Critical Mode for battles. Also, we'll make some of the bosses that felt weak stronger. Mega Flare was too powerful, so we plan to adjust that. As for events, the direction of some scenes was changed for various reasons so we'll put them back into the form that was originally planned, we'll adjust the events to make the story a little easier to understand, and add in some extra parts.

-- So there'll be several changes. Does this mean we can expect a 'Final Mix'...?

Nomura: That will depend on how much it differs from the Japanese version. But we do basically want to bring out one game in the 'Kingdom Hearts' series every year; we don't intend you to go for years without a single piece of news.

-- In about two years we'll hit the 10 year anniversary. So how about KH3?

Nomura: No no, that's still a secret (laughs). The title with a connection to the mystery series that I mentioned before will come out first.

-- So will the series be complete with the third part? Are you looking at the whole picture?

Nomura: 'Kingdom Hearts' is Sora's story, but the series we're working on at the moment is the story of one other person. That is to say, it's a series where that person is the focus.

-- The series you're currently working on!?

Nomura: I can't say any more than that (laughs).

Uff, mal schauen, wann ich mich daran setze. xp Wenn diese doofe Facharbeit doch nicht wäre. >__< Aber das Interview ist sehr interessant und beantwortet einige Dinge zur Geschichte von 'Birth by Sleep'.
Some things just aren't meant to change.