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  • Vanitas

    Dr. Peace

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Über mich

  • Listen to my song

    Despair, the end of the world I hear the rising phoenix in my dream And the virgin child made her wish upon a star That night her mother talks no more Cape of Hope, the end of the dream A shiny fish splashes in a stream And the virgin child loses her heart and soul That night her mother's eyes see no more When the wind blows
    The virgin child's corpse sings a song
    Such a pretty melody, never heard before No more lullabies
    The virgin child smiles from Hell .

Persönliche Informationen

Kingdom Hearts


  • Status


  • Lieblingsgenre

    Beat 'em up
    Rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel

  • Lieblingsspiele

    Shadow of the Collosus, The Legend of Zeda, No More Heroes

  • Das spiele ich gerade

    Final Fantasy IX

  • Ich freue mich auf

    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Starts Battle

  • PSN-ID


Anime & Manga